Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

6 Ways to Set Better Boundaries in Business

A client of ours the other day reported that since setting healthy boundaries she has been able to significantly free up more time for her family while making more money.

One strategy we gave her was a cancellation policy. She gave herself a $10,000 a year raise by tightening her policy alone

For example, clients would often cancel on her last minute only to leave her either scrambling to fill the spot or just eating it.  No more! 

Setting boundaries is a GAME-CHANGER and an absolutely MUST for women in business who are constantly juggling all the hats all the time.

More ways you can set better boundaries in your business:

  1. Instead of giving customers/clients your phone number, use another platform like voxer, email, and messenger to stay in communication

  2. Set office hours and let your clients know that they can reach you only during those specific hours

  3. Turn your push notifications off indefinitely or when you aren’t working and only check your messages when you are working

  4. Block out regular personal time and put your phone away

  5. Use the time blocking method to focus on certain projects/objectives during certain times of day and only make yourself available to relevant collaborators during that time

  6. Instead of responding right away tell the other person “I need time think about it. Can I get back to you in a few days?” Then take time to feel into if saying yes is in alignment for you.

    Which ones above have worked for you? What are some other ways you set boundaries? Email us at @

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

Is Your Business Like a “One-Night-Stand”?

Are you a master in sales?

We ask this question frequently and have done a lot of market research to get to the bottom of why many people struggle with sales. 

To our surprise, most women in business report feeling confident about sales. At the same time a majority of these same women report having close rates less than 40%, struggle with marketing and visibility, and need help attracting ideal clients.

It doesn't add up.

We believe sales is a method that is misunderstood, mainly because we are traditionally taught sales through old "bro-marketing" tactics where we look at people as numbers instead of heartbeats. 

It's like a "one-night-stand"

We were both tired of being taught sales in a way that (let's be honest) feels gross, and when our closing rates for high level coaching surpassed 70% and over 80% of our clients end up re-enrolling, we knew we were onto something.

This is why we created the Sales Authority Method.

We don't want you to continue feeling confused about sales so when you think about sales we want you to think about one word:


That's right. Most people feel gross about sales because they don't put in the time to actually build a relationship with someone. 

 They look at their leads as numbers instead of real people with real problems. Building a relationship is a longer process than a quick sale. We like to think about sales like dating. 

If you wanted a committed relationship, you would take the time to get to know the person in which you are interested in building the relationship. But in sales, masculine tactics often teach the "flash sale" or the "quick fix" methods. 

It's feels like a "one-night-stand", often leaving the customer feeling buyers' remorse because they didn't feel cared for. 

Don't "one-night-stand" your customer. Take time to get to know them. Ask them questions, then listen. Be in it for the long game and follow up. They will thank you.  

P.S. If you are interested in learning how to get more visible and master your sales, click here to apply to work with us. 

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

Why I am not “manifesting” this year…

By Megan McCann

I accomplished a lot in 2023. 

In business, we hosted three-100+ person events, filled up 2 destination retreats, bought an investment property in Boise, hit 6-figure months, major media mentions in international magazines and Idaho tv appearances, and we also had a waitlist for our coaching programs. 

I'm proud of these accomplishments, however, when I look back at 2023, there a BIG something missing in pursuit of these accomplishments. 

If I could sum up my emotions over the past year it would like something like this: I have felt both pride and guilt, energy and and exhaustion, clear and and confused, focused and overwhelmed. 

The duality of these emotions could only equate to one thing: I am a woman.

I do not believe I am an outlier.

My business partner Jen, published a book of stories of women who have shared similar sentiments. This book entitled The Duality of the Modern Day Woman became a best-seller because most women today I believe feel pulled in different directions. They experience polarizing emotions daily because there are often many expressions of who we are and what we desire.

As businesswomen, we hold a strong desire for big accomplishments but at the same time, our values are important to us. We find ourselves in this paradox of high achiever vs. present parent/wife/friend.

Over the past year many of our clients have expressed that they desire more financial gains but not at the sake of time with their family. In other words, their family is typically their “why.”

But sometimes our “why” is the thing that is sacrificed in pursuit of our goals.

On paper, one would assume I would have nothing to complain about. But when you look deeper, my accomplishments feel messy. My above achievements do not note the countless sleepless nights I've endured worried about the thought of being away from my kids. 

They do not describe the anguish felt when I had to miss out on my daughter's preschool graduation, or a mother-daughter trip, or a softball tournament because of a big event I had already committed to hosting. 

They do not share the amount of times I've been interrupted by a zoom call to calm down a crying kid or barking dog. 

Or the times I didn't hear my husband share something about his day because I was so focused on my work that I couldn't think about anything else.

I always said I would never sacrifice important time with family in pursuit of a business goal. And without knowing it, I felt myself slipping into this cycle of constant business travel where missing precious time with family proved inevitable. 

So what does this have to do with “manifesting”?

Manifesting has evolved into a buzz word over the past 5-10 years. The art of manifesting is a practice that is attributed to the success of most prosperous business owners.

In the business world, we define manifestation as the ability to attract or create something out of thin air. 

I have taught the art of manifesting in business over the years and it has proven to be undoubtedly powerful. I have helped women create wildly successful businesses out of out thin air and I attribute this to the principles I have learned. Personally, I have been able to attract money, travel, cars, clients, my dream wedding, big events, a best-selling book, and even homes out of thin air using these principles.

But in my experience this year, the act of manifesting or keeping "my eyes on the prize", has inadvertently caused an unnecessary amount of sadness, anxiety, and disappointment in myself. I ended 2023 feeling tired. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t have beef with “manifesting”. It’s a beautiful practice that has the ability to create a beautiful world for those who truly understand it. Learning how to create out of nothing has provided my life with more joy and fulfillment than I would have ever expected. I am forever grateful.

What am I saying though, is that in pursuit of “manifesting”, we can easily forget about the magnificent things we already have in front of us. I would never coach a client to risk their values in pursuit of a goal.

The reality is that none of those things I've manifested above are at the core, really that important to me.

The intention for those accomplishments was not for the accomplishment itself, but to act as a means for joy and sovereignty;

Freedom to be with family and provide financially.

This is why I'm not focused on manifesting this year. Yes, I have no doubt I'll create a lot in 2024, and my clients will do the same. But my mindset around it has changed. 

Because the truth is that, for the moment, I already have everything I need right here and now.

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

The Shocking Truth About Sales

Do you know that 80% of your sales require an average of 5 follow-ups to close the deal? In other words, 80% of your business revenue comes after following up with your prospective customers at least 5 times!

According to a study done by the Brevet Group, while 8 out of 10 customers require 5 follow-up connections, 44% of sales reps give up after only 1 follow-up attempt. 

This means that almost half of sales reps follow up only once, if at all. The last thing we want to do is feel like we are trying to convince anyone to buy our product. We understand that annoying a person we want to work with is not a good sales tactic. Instead, we want to help people and make a difference. 

So if this is you, we'd love to empower you by offering you support in your follow-up game that shows them you care versus feeling like you are harassing them. 

Remember, the more that you personalize the “follow-up” experience, the more likely they will respond. Use verbiage that is specific to them and what you know about them so they feel more connected to you.

 Here are 7 tips to follow-up in a way that feels good and increases your customer response rate: 

1. Use a variety of follow-up methods (if they don't respond via messenger, try email, text, or phone)

2. Give them a few days to respond. If no response you can say "Hey just wanted to make sure you got my message?"

3. Provide value (offer them a free resource or circle back to a tool that might be relevant for them and their pain point, share any OTO's or discounts)

4. If they are a no or not yet, try another offer (down-sell)

5. Be crystal clear on their next steps (ie; click on the link to register, can I check in with you on Monday at 10am via phone?)

6. Keep it direct and brief. Direct subject lines if using email to follow up (Hey Meg, can you let me know?)

7. Listen. Give them space to talk without having to fill in the gaps. 


We love following up with people because it shows that we remember them and we care about their results. Following up, when executed the right way, is generous and this is exactly what we teach.

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

3 steps to manage your energy like the CEO you are!

Do you constantly feel like you're spinning on a hamster wheel?

We understand.

Running a business requires us to wear a lot of different hats and it's common for business owners to feel overwhelm. Add motherhood, marriage, and personal life to the mix and it's more than any of us have the capacity to handle without feeling like we're constantly losing our minds.

But it doesn't have to stay that way. 

This is the difference between the entrepreneur and the CEO.

While the entrepreneur constantly has his or her hands in many different pots, the CEO stays the visionary. The CEO doesn’t spend his or her time trying to build websites or answer billing questions.

Just think about Rhianna, who we see as the epitome of CEO Boss. Her net worth is $1.4 billion. Do you think she’s on the phone dealing with customer complaints about how her Fenty Foundation fails to match the color their skin? No. Does she log into clickfunnels to build her own landing pages for her products? No. Because she is the master CEO. She has a customer service and tech team who handles that. Rhianna understands the power of delegation so that she can do what she does best.

And so can you. But you must maintain your energy if you want to stay the CEO.


Here are our 3 steps to manage your energy in business to become the visionary CEO you are!

  1. Regulate: Regulate your “energetic thermometer” by paying attention to your bandwith and when to set boundaries. Regulation requires you to understand your energetic capacity and what you need to do to recharge. Once you understand how you work, you can delegate things to others.

  2. Delegate: Who can you delegate items to so that you can stay in your best energy? Just because you are capable doesn’t mean you should do it. Business owners often find themselves in the mundane daily tasks that are outside of their zone of genius. If someone else can do it better and faster than you and it’s not in your zone, delegate!

  3. Automate: Automate the areas of your business that you cannot delegate that seem time consuming but produce results over time. Think of the example of monthly automated payments or automatic email reminders. They are incredibly helpful but don’t require you to push a button or put in extra work.

Now let’s go and spread your magic, CEO!


Meg and Jen

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

Why rewarding yourself should be MANDATORY!

Here we are eating oysters and champagne, celebrating success at our first ever Women in Business Leadership Lounge (WBLL) event last January.

Did you know that rewarding yourself for your business accomplishments regularly not only encourages better habits but it also boosts confidence and chances of future success?

Studies have shown that rewards and celebration stimulates the brain to produce dopamine, making you more happy and confident.


Dopamine, the "feed good hormone" reinforces the learning experience and strengthens our sense of accomplishments so that we begin to identify ourselves as successful.


But on the flip side, what happens when we do not reward ourselves for our new customers, revenue growth, and other business accomplishments?


We begin to feel burn out, depleted, and resentful because we are subconsciously telling ourselves that our efforts were not important. We are not worthy of self fulfillment.

Regular celebration has become an important ritual of ours so that we continue to perpetuate the same behaviors that lead to success, while replacing the ones that do not.


Champagne is our celebraty drink because of our ritual of regular celebration. 

And to be honest, it tastes so good once it hits your lips ;)
This helps us repeat the healthy daily behaviors and patterns that lead to our success. 

 But you don't need champagne to celebrate! Celebration and rewards can come in many forms like flowers, dinner dates, facials, yoga, nature hikes or even something as simple as a solo dance party in your bedroom.

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

The way to revenue: empowering enrollment vs sleazy sales

“Cringe-worthy” car salesman tactics are something we all fear in business. No one wants to be perceived as the cigarette-smoking, bad suit-wearing, hovering salesman at the local corner used car lot.
So how do we avoid feeling like the sleazy salesman when ultimately, closing sales is how we make money?

In the “get rich quick” business world, sales are often considered “King” and those that are successful must do all things necessary to close the deal using hooks, false promises, and high-pressure FOMO to manipulate potential clients and customers to buy, invest and say yes in fear of missing an opportunity. 

We are taught to think about sales as being transactional, but most people are not intrinsically designed to treat their customers this way. Instead, we thrive on service, connection, and impact. We refer to this as “enrollment”. 

When someone is “selling” they are in the business of convincing the other person that what they have is best for them. On the other hand, enrollment involves empowering the other person to make the best decision that will push them closer to their vision.

We believe that the only sustainable way to grow your business is by using empowering enrollment principles through heart-centered connection. We do this by prioritizing relationships.

Sleazy sales strategies often disempower clients and customers, whereas heart-centered enrollment empowers them to take control of the problem they are facing and choose to utilize knowledge, skills, or products to solve it. 

As entrepreneurs, most of us are not in the business of “convincing” our audience to buy or invest in anything. We approach enrollment as an opportunity for potential customers to recognize their obstacles. We present them with an offer that is going to give them a solution. It is our responsibility as business owners to hold space for our clients and customers so they can choose to empower themselves using you as the bridge.

“Don’t celebrate closing a sale, celebrate opening a relationship.” — Patricia Fripp

The sleazy sales strategies focus on pushing someone to buy, which leaves the customer feeling disempowered in their choice and leads to regretful unhappy customers and zero retention in your business. 

In contrast, enrollment is centered around the energy of pulling clients and customers closer to their vision by providing a solution. Being solution focused and powerfully following through on the promise leads to client retention, referrals, and great reviews. 

Empowered enrollment creates long-term relationships, sustainability, client trust, respect, and mutual benefit. None of this will ever be achieved using sleazy manipulative sales tactics. 

So how can you generate more sustainability and revenue using empowering enrollment strategies?

  1. Be Willing To Play The Long Game: This is not a fast-fix method. It requires relationship-building through trust and long-term commitment to serving them. Focusing on relationships and serving the client's needs will ultimately lead to more sales over time.

  2. The Fortune Is In The Follow-Up: Follow-up is generous. The more you follow up in a connected value-centered way with your clients the more they will trust you. We believe that follow-up allows the client to see that you truly care about them, are listening to their needs, and think enough about them to reach out.

  3. Listen Your Way To Revenue: Listening is the key to connection. Talk less and your potential client/customer will tell you more. More information, more emotion, and more about the problem they are facing. The more you understand what they need and how you can truly support them allows the to see that YOU can be the bridge to the gap(s) they are experiencing in their life. When you truly listen and hold space they will enroll themselves in the solution you provide.

We truly believe that relationships is the lifeline of any business. And quite honestly, it feels so much better than any sleazy sales tactics the industry is teaching you. If you’d like to learn more and dive deep into this topic with us, we invite you to listen to our podcast. 

Our latest season covers everything from sales, follow-up, relationship-building, and in-person events. Click here to listen!

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

Is it important feel safe in your business?

A few years ago we had a speaker at one of our events state her view on safety. She stated that safety is a feeling that stops us from expanding. Being safe is a cop-out for personal growth and a way for us to stay small. 

Our jaws dropped because we couldn't disagree more. This comment goes against everything we believe. In fact, we believe that when women women feel safe, they can innovate, expand, and achieve things they never thought possible.

The fact of the matter is that women are constantly subjected to situations where we do NOT feel safe. From corporate bullying, betrayal from past sister wounds, competition with other women in business, we both have experienced scenarios where we shrunk ourselves down because we did not feel safe.

So safety has become the center of every experience we create, especially in groups. We understand that many women might feel triggered entering a circle of other women through past experiences of betrayal, bullying and other sister wounds.

 At our Sedona retreat, we strive to create an environment born on safety and intimacy. Many women enter the space on defense. They are unsure if they can actually trust the nudge to crack open themselves. But once they realize that the other women in circle share similar feelings and experiences, they begin to allow themselves to get vulnerable.

And on the other side of that is massive expansion.

 So what does this have to do with business? 



While each retreat and live event we host has a theme, our Sedona retreats allow women in business to go deep into their psyche and press up against the internal blockages that are truly holding them back from achieving what they want in business.  


We integrate shamanic tools from our guests including: 

  • sound baths, 

  • shamanic guided journeys, 

  • vortex hiking and movement, 

  • channeled journaling, 

  • vision mapping, 

  • meditation, 

  • breathwork, 

  • and more.


These tools give us a safe space to develop intimacy with other women. And integrating these tools into our own personal experiences has been the gateway to our partnership in Soul Ascend.

We trust one another immensely because we have given ourselves permission to go deep together. 

If you are getting the nudge to have a profound experience with us in Sedona, click here. You might just have the breakthrough you have been waiting for.

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

Does your spouse have objections for your business investments?

We want to bring up a topic that is all too common, but no one seems to be talking about: spouses and business investments. 

Let's paint a scenario so you can understand what we are talking about. 

You join a business workshop and your mind is completely blown. The speaker "gets" you and you get her. It's almost as if she can hear every thought, limitation, and frustration you've had about your business. Not only has she been where you are, but she has overcome similar challenges that you seem to be experiencing at this very moment 

 AND... she has a solution.

 She offers you a program that will give you the tools to grow in your leadership. For the first time in awhile you have faith that you can come out on the other side. You know very well that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting new results, so this is your time to make some massive moves.

You're ready for change and you know it requires a mentor to support you in coming out on the other side to begin achieving the things you've always desired in your business.

You have realized that the habits you've endured keep producing the same mediocre results.

You need someone who can help you build better habits and hold you to a higher level of accountability. Since you and your husband always discuss family finances so you run it by him. He nods his head right before asking you how much it costs. You tell him the number and he immediately retracts, telling you that you and your family can't afford it.

This scenario is all too common. And business investments can come in all forms. Maybe you're ready to invest in property or rent, expensive products to increase efficiency, or finally hiring a team so that you can put more energy into your magic.

While you don't agree with him, you don't want to cause a fuss. You want to honor his decision so you tell the mentor you cannot afford the program and one day, when things are better, you will connect with her.

Strong communication with our partners is a value we will always honor. It's important to discuss finances with our spouses regularly and it's crucial to use discernment when making financial decisions.

But there is a fine line between discussing family finances and your spouse acting as the Chief Financial Officer of your company, especially if he has no business experience to speak of. 

 Women in general are hardwired to ask for approval from men on financial decisions, and it makes sense. It was only 49 years ago that a woman could not get a credit card without a male co-signer. 

Let that sink in. This means that our mothers could not open a credit card account on her own. 

Women today are still imbedded with intergenerational trauma around finances. And our society still perpetuates the old patriarchal patterns around women and pay. Just look at the gender pay gap. 

According to the U.S. Census Bureau's most recent statistics, women are still paid only 82 cents for every dollar a man makes. This is a statistic we know all too well but we still question how we can overcome the brutally honest fact that husbands are statistically in favor of making more money than their wives.

So how do we shift this?

We believe it begins in the household. 

We strive to empower women to become financially independent. Jen experienced an abusive relationship in her past, along with financial disempowerment in her first marriage. And we don't want other women to experience the same financial hardships that Jen was left cleaning up alone. 

This begins by us learning how to have educated and empowering financial conversations with ourselves and men in general. 

We cannot just depend on our spouses to make the financial decisions. As business owners, it is imperative that we have a strong pulse on our financial health.

So let's get back to the objection about financial investments. 

What do you say to your husband when he tells you that you cannot invest back into your business?

 Well first off, there are three drastically different scenarios to discuss:

  1. You use your own money (either personal savings or you take out a business loan)

  2. You tap into your joint savings account

  3. You have separate accounts and ask to borrow money from him

To best understand how to answer this objection you must get clear on your ROI. We know what you are thinking and we are not talking about return on investment although yes, that is definitely a part of it.

What we are referring to is your RISK OF INACTION. In other words, what do you have to lose by not moving forward with the investment? 

Maybe you hire a mentor who could, at a bare minimum, increase your profit by $2,000 a month. It may or may not feel like that that much immediately, but over the course of a year that $2,000 turns into $24,000. And it doesn't stop there. Just $24k extra over the course of a year is an extra $240,000 over the next 10 years, or an extra $960,000 over the next 40 years. 

If you made this investment, even though it doesn't seem like that much immediately, it could have the potential to bring you an extra million dollars over the course of your lifetime.

Saying no could risk you the possibility of an extra $1 Million Dollars!

Not only does this mentor help you increase your finances but this mentor also helps you build stronger leadership skills. What's even more important than the money you are making is your state of being. You feel more relaxed in your business with time freedom, less stress, and enjoy more fulfillment in what you do.  

 The compound effect of making a strategic investment is not just for the immediate reward, it can possibly change your life.

 So when you're speaking with your husband about the investment you'd like, it may require a strategic analysis of your ROI. 

When you both understand the risk of inaction, you gain a new found perspective of what is at stake if you do not make a move. 80% of businesses fail within the first 10 years likely due to fact that they do not take these steps.

So whether you are using your own money (which serves as a stronger case), using your joint account, or borrowing money, come up with a plan to pay back the investment over time. 

 This will empower you to take control of your finances because you have built a relationship with them.

 Your business requires smart investments if you want to be successful. It is our mission to educate and empower women today to be smart, strategic, and independent with their finances. 


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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

5 Things you must focus on when your business plateaus

In our combined 30 years of business experience, we have mentored and intimately worked with hundreds of women and helped them make a lot of money.

But to be transparent, we've also worked with a lot of women who are at a standstill in their business. We've been there too... many times in fact.

They are trying to figure out how to get out of their business lull. Often they are waiting for us to give them the "quick fix" to their business woes. (Spoiler alert: there is no quick fix!)

Doubt, imposter syndrome, and frustration creep in.

And then what's worse is scrolling through social media seeing women half their age brag about the 7-figure month they just accomplished by posting videos of their dance moves on tik tok.

I mean, seriously?

They start thinking, "How does this 20 something year old seem to have it all figured out when I've been working my a$$ off in my biz?"

And this person might also be you.

Nothing is worse than the feeling of knowing how hard you work in your business to see your revenue plateau, and then only to find twenty-somethings traveling to the most exotic places and sharing the ridiculous amount of money they get paid as an influencer.

So if you're banging your head against a wall wondering when it's finally going to change for you, pause and reflect on these 5 things you MUST focus on to shift the lull.

In our experience, it will likely change a lot for you.

Just to give you an example, implementing these 5 shifts has helped our clients go from $0-$2,500 in revenue to $9k, $20k, and sometimes even $30k+ months.

5 Things in Your Business You Must Focus on to Shift Your Business Plateau:

  1. Audience: Do you have an audience? If not, do you have a solid lead gen to grow your audience?

  2. Feedback: Have you been taking data and regularly polling your ideal audience on what they want? How long?

  3. Mindset and Spiritual Growth: What are you doing for mindset and personal development? What tools do you have in your toolkit?

  4. Mentorship & Strategy: Do you have a mentor in your life who has accomplished what you desire? And more importantly... are you truly doing the things they are asking you to do even if there's resistance?

  5. Details: Are you paying attention to the details? In your PNL's (profit and loss statements), legal, customer onboarding process, partnerships, and branding?

If you're in a slump... we've been there. And it sucks.

But what sucks even more is doing it alone. And you don't have to be alone anymore.

We got you.

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

3 Money Making Mistakes You’re Probably Making Right Now-And How to Fix Them!

Did you know that 82% of small businesses fail due to cash flow problems?

Money and funding appears to be a common problem for most business owners. But what if it didn't have to be that way? What if making some minor adjustments in the way you see and operate money could be the lifeline for your business?

Over the past 15 years, we have had experience founding and co-founding many companies, bootstrapping our way to 6 and 7-figure generating businesses. We've learned a lot along the way and would like to empower you and your money story by helping you fix the money making mistakes TODAY!

Mistake #1: Waiting to save more money before investing in your business

Are you saying to yourself "Once I pay off that bill or save (x) amount of money, I'll finally invest in coach!"?

While this might sound financially smart, it could actually be the biggest mistake you make in your business because you're playing the "when/then" game. It can take months or years or maybe at the rate you're going... NEVER pay off bills or save a certain amount of money. You just gave up on your dreams. Boo.

Imagine the amount of time and money you are losing by NOT investing. For example, if your investment could secure just an extra $3,000 a month, you just gave yourself a $36,000 a year raise! Over 10 years, that's an extra $360,000.00.

How to Fix It: Change your perspective using the ROI method. We know what you're thinking and we're not taking about return on investment (although that will help too). We're talking about Risk Of Inaction. Look at the cost of the investment. If it converts it can get you to not only make your investment back, but also give you a raise for the rest of your life.

If you don't have the capital we highly recommend borrowing money and funding your business. We have partnered up with 3rd party funding to help our clients get funding right away!

Mistake #2: Creating a Profit Formula for Your Business

Are you confused about how and when to actually pay yourself? Are you spending more than you're making? The problem with many 6 and 7 figure companies is that even while they are producing a lot of revenue, they are struggling to make a profit.

The Fix: We encourage many of our clients to use the Profit First Formula and it's actually very simple. This formula has you creating separate accounts that are automatically transferred to meet your financial desires. We pay ourselves first every month before making the mistake of blindly spending money on our business.

Mistake #3: No Passive Income or High Ticket Sales

So you get sick and need to take time off or finally want to go on that much needed vacation but you can't because you're trading time for money. We see this everyday. And you're likely working way too f*cking much to not live the life you want. Many business owners are trading time for money. They charge hourly so if they don't work, they don't get paid and it's exhausting.

The Fix: Contrary to popular belief, the key to financial freedom is not making millions of dollars. Financial freedom happens when your passive income meets or exceeds your monthly living expenses. We help our clients create sources of passive income so they do the work once and keep getting paid over and over again. They can finally take that nice long vacay and drink bubbles on the beach.

But what if you don't have passive income yet?

We also encourage you to create a high ticket offer (more than $2,000) and charge for transformation instead of by the hour. This will allow you receive the financial resources you need to free up space.

Which financial fix are you taking on today? Hit reply and let us know.

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

F*ck the Patriarchy: The Gangster Witch Mission

We are enraged at the thought of our girls having less rights than we did growing up.

It wasn't that long ago that we thought it was the best time to be a woman in the world, and now our basic human rights are being threatened.

This makes our mission at Gangster Witch Corp. even stronger. We cannot continue to sit back and watch old dangerous patriarchal systems destroy the way that women (and men) are showing up in the world. Because a woman's right to choose directly affects the choices we and our daughters have to make thereafter.

A woman's right to choose directly affects her career path. It affects her career choices. It affects her lifestyle choices. And we all know that a mom without resources or financial power has zero choices. She is a product of the broken system.

This is why our mission is stronger than ever. We are more than just business strategists and podcast hosts. We are a company designed to empower women to become their own financial powerhouses and start businesses on their own terms.

A gangster witch is a woman who is tired of these broken systems. She is ready to spread her unique medicine in the world. And, she is ready to make a lot of money doing it! She is tired of being told that she has to be "good and obedient" because this means she has to silence her truth. She breaks the rules, and she doesn't apologize for it.

A rich witch is f*ckin' powerful! And, the more rich witches we have in the world, the more we get to show up and pay it forward to our sisters.

Do you resonate with this? Do you own a business that "breaks the rules"? Do you have a business inside of you? We wanna hear from you! Because our medicine is what will heal and create a better future for our girls. They are counting on you!

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Megan Mccann Megan Mccann

Pick your Goddess Archetype…

Do you feel divinely guided in your business?

I didn't for years. I felt alone. I felt unsupported. Not because the support wasn't there, but because I was not open to receive it.

I was lone wolfing it, unknowingly by choice.

Until I learned the art of asking. I realized that "figuring it out on my own" was majorly holding me back, so I called on mentors. These mentors have come in the form of friends, business coaches, yogis, fellow entrepreneurs, goddesses, spirit guides, signs, books, and podcasts.

I realized that stepping into my High Priestess and my business quantum leap required me to call on my guides to help me find clarity, awareness, and tap into my intuition. I can now access my guides at any time.

And the result? Peace, ease, and flow. I don't have to "work so hard" to manifest. Things flow my way because I have made the decision to call on divine support.

If you want to be divinely guided but not sure where to start, you can start here. I have created 6 Goddess archetypes you can channel at any time you feel alone, confused, at a crossroads, or maybe have some big decisions coming up.

Which Goddess Archetype speaks to you the most? Hit reply and let me know.

1. Kuan Yin: Healing Compassion

2. Hestia: Home, Hearth, & Sanctuary

3. Lagertha: Shield Maiden, Warrior

4. Shakti: Divine Creator

5. Kali: Shadow Work & Liberation

6. Oshun: Generosity

So next time you are feeling confusion, close your eyes. Imagine her sitting with you, supporting you, loving, you, and calling on your highest good.

Take a deep breath. Call her in to support you as you tap into your infinite knowing. You got this.



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