F*ck the Patriarchy: The Gangster Witch Mission

We are enraged at the thought of our girls having less rights than we did growing up.

It wasn't that long ago that we thought it was the best time to be a woman in the world, and now our basic human rights are being threatened.

This makes our mission at Gangster Witch Corp. even stronger. We cannot continue to sit back and watch old dangerous patriarchal systems destroy the way that women (and men) are showing up in the world. Because a woman's right to choose directly affects the choices we and our daughters have to make thereafter.

A woman's right to choose directly affects her career path. It affects her career choices. It affects her lifestyle choices. And we all know that a mom without resources or financial power has zero choices. She is a product of the broken system.

This is why our mission is stronger than ever. We are more than just business strategists and podcast hosts. We are a company designed to empower women to become their own financial powerhouses and start businesses on their own terms.

A gangster witch is a woman who is tired of these broken systems. She is ready to spread her unique medicine in the world. And, she is ready to make a lot of money doing it! She is tired of being told that she has to be "good and obedient" because this means she has to silence her truth. She breaks the rules, and she doesn't apologize for it.

A rich witch is f*ckin' powerful! And, the more rich witches we have in the world, the more we get to show up and pay it forward to our sisters.

Do you resonate with this? Do you own a business that "breaks the rules"? Do you have a business inside of you? We wanna hear from you! Because our medicine is what will heal and create a better future for our girls. They are counting on you!


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