6 Ways to Set Better Boundaries in Business

A client of ours the other day reported that since setting healthy boundaries she has been able to significantly free up more time for her family while making more money.

One strategy we gave her was a cancellation policy. She gave herself a $10,000 a year raise by tightening her policy alone

For example, clients would often cancel on her last minute only to leave her either scrambling to fill the spot or just eating it.  No more! 

Setting boundaries is a GAME-CHANGER and an absolutely MUST for women in business who are constantly juggling all the hats all the time.

More ways you can set better boundaries in your business:

  1. Instead of giving customers/clients your phone number, use another platform like voxer, email, and messenger to stay in communication

  2. Set office hours and let your clients know that they can reach you only during those specific hours

  3. Turn your push notifications off indefinitely or when you aren’t working and only check your messages when you are working

  4. Block out regular personal time and put your phone away

  5. Use the time blocking method to focus on certain projects/objectives during certain times of day and only make yourself available to relevant collaborators during that time

  6. Instead of responding right away tell the other person “I need time think about it. Can I get back to you in a few days?” Then take time to feel into if saying yes is in alignment for you.

    Which ones above have worked for you? What are some other ways you set boundaries? Email us at @ info@soulascendcoaching.com


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