5 Things you must focus on when your business plateaus

In our combined 30 years of business experience, we have mentored and intimately worked with hundreds of women and helped them make a lot of money.

But to be transparent, we've also worked with a lot of women who are at a standstill in their business. We've been there too... many times in fact.

They are trying to figure out how to get out of their business lull. Often they are waiting for us to give them the "quick fix" to their business woes. (Spoiler alert: there is no quick fix!)

Doubt, imposter syndrome, and frustration creep in.

And then what's worse is scrolling through social media seeing women half their age brag about the 7-figure month they just accomplished by posting videos of their dance moves on tik tok.

I mean, seriously?

They start thinking, "How does this 20 something year old seem to have it all figured out when I've been working my a$$ off in my biz?"

And this person might also be you.

Nothing is worse than the feeling of knowing how hard you work in your business to see your revenue plateau, and then only to find twenty-somethings traveling to the most exotic places and sharing the ridiculous amount of money they get paid as an influencer.

So if you're banging your head against a wall wondering when it's finally going to change for you, pause and reflect on these 5 things you MUST focus on to shift the lull.

In our experience, it will likely change a lot for you.

Just to give you an example, implementing these 5 shifts has helped our clients go from $0-$2,500 in revenue to $9k, $20k, and sometimes even $30k+ months.

5 Things in Your Business You Must Focus on to Shift Your Business Plateau:

  1. Audience: Do you have an audience? If not, do you have a solid lead gen to grow your audience?

  2. Feedback: Have you been taking data and regularly polling your ideal audience on what they want? How long?

  3. Mindset and Spiritual Growth: What are you doing for mindset and personal development? What tools do you have in your toolkit?

  4. Mentorship & Strategy: Do you have a mentor in your life who has accomplished what you desire? And more importantly... are you truly doing the things they are asking you to do even if there's resistance?

  5. Details: Are you paying attention to the details? In your PNL's (profit and loss statements), legal, customer onboarding process, partnerships, and branding?

If you're in a slump... we've been there. And it sucks.

But what sucks even more is doing it alone. And you don't have to be alone anymore.

We got you.


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